Running as a service

Most people want to have spotifyd always running in the background. The preferred method to do this depends on the OS you're using.


If you installed spotifyd directly from your distribution, chances are that the installation includes a service definition such that you can run

$ systemctl --user start spotifyd # start spotifyd using systemd
$ systemctl --user enable --now spotifyd # start spotifyd and enable starting on login

If you installed spotifyd some other way, head over to the advanced section for further instructions.


If you installed spotifyd using brew, the following commands should do the trick

$ brew services run spotifyd # start the service once
$ brew services start spotifyd # start spotifyd and enable starting on boot

If you installed spotifyd without brew, the advanced section has got you covered.


When installed via the package manager, the following commands are available:

$ sudo service spotifyd onestart # start spotifyd once
$ sudo sysrc spotifyd_enable=YES # enable starting spotifyd on boot