Running as systemd service

As as a user service

A systemd.service unit file is provided in the project sources to help run spotifyd as a service on systemd-based systems. The file contrib/spotifyd.service should be copied to either:


Packagers of systemd-based distributions are encouraged to include the file in the former location. End-user should prefer the latter. It should be noted that some targets are not available when running under the user directory, such as

Control of the daemon is handed over to systemd. The following command will start the service whenever the user logs in to the system. Logging out will stop the service.

systemctl --user enable spotifyd.service --now

As a system wide service

When running spotifyd as a system wide service, it is not possible to access a user's keyring to obtain login credentials. Do not set use_keyring = true and do not specify --use-keyring, when running as a system wide service. To be able to access login credentials stored in the user's keyring, run spotifyd as a user service, as decribed above.

Additionally, use_mpris = true or --use-mpris should not be used, since their intended usage is within user sessions (and not system-wide daemons). If you have very specific requirements and still want to control a system-wide spotifyd instance, head over to MPRIS on headless systems.

A systemd.service unit file is provided to help run spotifyd as a service on systemd-based systems. The file contrib/spotifyd.service should be copied to:


Control of the daemon is handed over to systemd. The following example commands will start the service and keep it running across reboots.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable spotifyd.service --now